Friday, February 27, 2015

Half-Way Through the 21 Day Fix Extreme

Today marks Day 11 of my 21 Day Fix Extreme program. The picture you see on the left is one I took right before starting. The picture on the right is one I took today! For the first time in my whole life I am seeing definition in my abs! I always thought after having kids I would never be able to shape my tummy. Boy was I wrong! 

My belly is starting to look better now then before I had kids!! How is this possible people keep asking me... It's simple really. Drinking Shakeology, doing the 21 Day fix workouts everyday, and following the meal plan are getting me the results I have always wanted! I cannot wait to see how much more progress I make in the next 10 days!!! STAY TUNED...........

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

March 21 Day Fix Challenge Group


Want to get healthier or lose weight? After my first round of the 21 Day Fix I lost almost 15 pounds! I have never felt better physically and mentally. I have more energy, my clothes fit great, and I have more confidence. If you want all of these positive changes in your life too then join our 21 Day Fix March Challenge Group on Facebook! We will provide motivation, inspiration, meal planning tips, recipes, accountability, and 1:1 coaching to help you get the best results possible. Having a Beachbody Coach and starting this program was the best decision I could have ever made to better myself and my family. You can e-mail me at if you are interested in learning more. Let's reach those fitness goals together and commit to living a healthy lifestyle 

Vanilla Almond Fudge Shakeology

One of my new favorite chocolate Shakeology recipes!! This was the perfect meal to have after my Upper Fix Extreme workout this morning. Love that it gives me so much energy, keeps me fuller longer, and is super yummy! 

Vanilla Almond Fudge Shakeology

1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
12 oz ice
8 oz almond milk
1 tbsp Almond butter
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
BLEND all ingredients and ENJOY! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Sweet Potato Shepard's Pie

Who said comfort food couldn't be healthy? My husband and I have been craving Shepard's pie lately. But we have been seeing such great results with our 21 Day Fix meal plan we did not want cravings to get the best of us. So...I set out on a mission to create a recipe that we did not have to feel guilty about AND would satisfy those cravings! My husband said it was the perfect hearty meal to have after a long day at work. My 20 month old daughter LOVES sweet potatoes, so this meal was perfect for her too! I love when I make a meal that everyone enjoys and we can have it for leftovers the next day! MOMMY WIN!! Give the recipe a try and let me know what you think! 

                        SWEET POTATO SHEPARD’S PIE

4 or 5 Sweet Potatoes, Peeled and Cubed
2 Teaspoons Grated Orange Zest
1 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
Black Pepper, to taste
Nutmeg, to taste
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Pound Ground Turkey
1 Red Onion, Chopped
3 Cups Vegetables of your choice (I used carrots, peas, corn, green bean, lima beans- Could also use bag of mixed frozen veggies)
2-3 Large Garlic Cloves
3 Tablespoons Chili Powder
1 Tablespoon Paprika
1 Tablespoon Ground Cinnamon
1 Tablespoon Ground Cumin
1 Tablespoon Ground Corriander
1/2 cup tomato Paste
2-3 Cups Chicken Stock
Shredded Cheddar Cheese to top

1. Place the sweet potatoes in a large pot, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil, cook until tender – about 15 minutes. 
2. Drain and return the potatoes to the hot pot, then mash with orange zest and Greek Yogurt
3. While the potatoes are coming to a boil, heat a LARGE skillet with the EVOO over medium-high to high heat.  Add the turkey and brown, breaking up the meat, then add the onion and cook for 2 minutes. Add the vegetables and garlic to the skillet, season with the spices and black pepper, and cook for 8 to 10 more minutes.  Stir in the tomato paste for 1 minute, then add the stock and simmer for a few minutes longer to thicken.
4. Preheat the broiler to high.
5. Place the ground turkey mixture in a casserole dish. Spread the mashed sweet potatoes on top, and cover with the cheddar cheese. Brown under the broiler until golden (about 10-15 minutes).
6. ENJOY! 

21 DAY FIX Containers: 1 Yellow, 1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Blue

Saturday, February 21, 2015

What is the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology?

Since I started Beachbody's 21 Day Fix program and drinking Shakeology people have been asking me more and more questions about it. People are impressed with the results I have gotten in such a short amount of time. Because anyone who knows me knows I have struggled with weight loss my whole life. I am always so happy to tell people about this program because IT WORKS and anyone can do it!

What I like to say is that The 21 Day Fix is a nutrition and fitness program designed to help anyone achieve their health goals! Easy to follow 30 minute workouts and portion control make it possible to see fast results! UP to 15 pounds in just 21 DAYS!!! 

I absolutely LOVE that the workouts are only 30 minutes because I am a working Mom (Registered Nurse), going to Graduate school, and have 2 babies under 2! I have very little time for myself, but I can always find at least 30 minutes to exercise. You push yourself as hard as you can for 30 minutes and you can get out and on with your day! Simple and fast! 

When I looked at the meal planning guide for the 21 Day Fix I was amazed at how simple it was to follow. I did not realize how awful I was at portion control. I was notorious for skipping meals and then pigging out at the next one. I was doing everything wrong. With the container system, you learn how to create healthy portions simply with portion control containers. It shows you how to eat whatever you want, in the right amounts, so you can reach your goals fast. I love how there is now point or calorie counting. Just eat what fits in those containers! SIMPLE!

As important as working out everyday and eating healthy are to losing weight I attribute ALOT of the success I have had with SHAKEOLOGY. Once I started drinking Shakeology I noticed a lot of changes right away. I had a lot more energy, my breast milk supply increased, my skin looked healthier, my hair and nails were stronger, and it curbed my junk food cravings. It is my daily dose of dense nutrition that tastes so yummy it feels like a cheat meal. I always tell people it is SO MUCH MORE than a protein shake. I love it because it is packed with SUPERFOODS that we all should be eating everyday, but typically don't. It's a nutrition shake that can help with weight loss as well as optimizing your health! I cannot imagine going without this for even one day now that I have added it to my daily routine. 

Deciding to add the portion control meal plan, 30 minute workouts, and Shakeology to my life was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. I am now down 28 pounds and know I will keep it off with the lifestyle changes I have made thanks to this program and Beachbody. If I was able to succeed anyone can! Please reach out to me if you want to start this journey too and we can reach the goals you have together! We have a challenge group starting up on Facebook on March 2nd that can help you get the results you want. LET'S DO THIS!! 

Friday, February 20, 2015

My Weight Loss Journey

I have struggled with my weight my whole life. Growing up, I lacked a lot of self-confidence because I was overweight. As a result, I was shy, introverted and kept to myself. In high school, I was always afraid of being judged and laughed at. So I thought the best way to avoid that was to just be invisible. I tried every "fad" diet under then sun and nothing seemed to work for me. I remember thinking "maybe I'm just made to be overweight. Nothing is going to ever work for me." I was an "I can't" kind of person. 

My husband, Kyle, and I were married in November 2012. Before the wedding we decided to give INSANITY a try. I saw really good results after the first month. I lost about 6 pounds! BUT... shortly before the wedding we found out I was pregnant with our daughter, Madeline. So INSANITY was put on the back burner during my pregnancy. 

I gained about 65 pounds my first pregnancy. After I had Madeline I hardly had time to even think about getting back in shape because I got pregnant with my son, Parker shortly after! With Parker I gained about 40 pounds. YIKES!! 2 babies under 2!! How am I ever going to have time for anything other than taking care of them?!?! Let alone taking care of myself!

However, after Parker was born something clicked for me. I didn't just want to take better care of myself... I HAD TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF! I decided I needed to start making changes in my lifestyle so I can set a good example for my children. I was the heaviest I had ever been after having Parker. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized something had to change! And that something was ME!! I needed to stop making excuses and change my mindset entirely. 

I decided to reach out to a Beachbody Coach for information about Shakeology and how it could help me lose weight. My Beachbody Coach was AMAZING! She explained to me all the benefits Shakeology has along with introducing me to the 21 Day Fix Program. 

After my first round of the 21 Day Fix and drinking Shakeology I lost 12 pounds!! I felt amazing and for the first time in my whole life people were saying "WOW! You look great! What are you doing to lose weight?" Since I started the program in December 2014 I have lost 28 pounds! I don't have to wear maternity jeans anymore! The picture below is of me being able to fit in my "college jeans"for the first time in 2 years! What a great feeling that was... 

The 21 Day fix and Shakeology changed my life! Simple meal planning and portion control and 30 minute workouts everyday was all it took! Not only do I look better, but I FEEL AMAZING! I have more energy, more confidence, and feel like I can do anything I set my mind to. The Beachbody community has taught me how a simple change in mindset can make all the difference. 

Remember how I was once an "I Can't" kind of person. that I am a Beachbody Coach myself and am living a healthy lifestyle I am more of an "I CAN DO ANYTHING" kind of person! I believe in these Beachbody programs so much! THEY WORK! This investment in my health and future was the best one I could have ever made. If I was able to lose this amount of weight the healthy way... ANYONE CAN! I am still continuing my journey with the 21 Day Fix Extreme program now.

I can't wait to see where this journey takes myself and my family! If you want to reach those health and fitness goals you have please contact me! I can help you achieve them :) 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mexican Lasagna

We made our FAVORITE 21 Day Fix approved dinner tonight! My husband and daughter love this! It's great because it's quick, easy, and healthy! And the best part... it tastes so yummy! It's a great meal on a budget too because we will have leftovers for the next day. Let me know if you try this and what you and your family think of it. 

Mexican Lasagna
1 Red and Orange Bell Pepper
1 Medium Onion
1 lb Lean Ground Turkey
1/4 cup Southwest Seasoning (recipe from 21 Day Fix book)
1/4 cup chopped Cilantro (optional)
Shredded Cheese – about 1 1/2 cups
Fat Free Refried Beans – 1 can
2 Small Cans Diced Chiles
2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
12 Corn Tortillas
Dice peppers and onion. Heat olive oil in a large skillet and add diced peppers and onions and cook until tender. Remove from the skillet and set aside.
Brown your ground turkey in the skillet until almost done. Add chiles to meat and finish cooking through. Add cooked onions and peppers to meat mixture, along with southwest seasoning and 1/4 cup of water. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add Cilantro if using to mixture. 
Spray the bottom of a 9×13 pan with cooking spray. Line the bottom of the pan with 6 tortillas. Spread with one red container of the refried beans. Spread 1/2 of the meat and vegetable mixture over the tortillas and beans.
Layer the remaining 6 tortillas on top of the meat mixture. Repeat spreading the refried beans and remaining meat and vegetable mixture.
Sprinkle shredded cheese evenly over the top.
Bake at 375 for 30 minutes, or until heated through and cheese is hot and bubbly. Can serve with Plain Greek Yogurt to substitute sour cream. ENJOY!!! smile emoticon
Makes 6 Servings